Monday, April 21, 2008
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Spring 2008 Garden Report
This is the new addition to my collection. Succulents are the rave favorites in magazines now, and I created this little scape here after a visit to the local Target store.

This is the garden view from our dinning room window. Isn't it just lush and springy looking? The Japanese maple is the center of attention right now.

The pink camellia blooms are approaching the end, but this white camellia I picked up at the curb side when one of my neighbors moved and abandoned it, is giving the most fabulous flowers I truly enjoyed. See, one man's garbage is my treasure.

Tulips are just coming into blooms, they are such a delight to look at, everyday, they open and close and every day they are different. Many more are still just little green buds, so more pictures to come, stay tune.

My orchids are blooming, from tiny jewels to Hawaiian delights to vanilla scented sherry babies to showy white cymbidiums...hmm, results of the orchid shows sale of course. All I add is water and fertilizer and some patience. :o)