Pam's Garden

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Monday, April 21, 2008

More Spring2008 Update

Orchids are orchids, they are just such a delightful sight, I have surrounded myself with orchid blooms this year. Benefits of 2 orchid shows of course. But they are fabulous!


At 10:48 AM, Blogger wabi said...

wow..very impressive Pam.. YOu are officially a Green thumb :)

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Lazy Marathoner said...

Hey, a friend of mine is an orchid nut. He has more than 30 of them, living in a tiny NYC apartment. He wants to give some of them away. Should I take them? I am hesitant to take any because the orchids sound like a lot of work.

At 11:01 AM, Blogger Rick, Pam, JC and Sara said...

Andy, you should take them, they don't need that much work, just buy the Orchid society fertilizers(2 types, one for blooms and one for regular stuff), and you water them once a week or when you feel that the potting mix is dry. When you water, you need to make sure they soak thru the potting mix. I am cheap, I just use the mulch I have left over from the garden. They do just fine. They don't like direct sunlight though. So, good luck!


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